FAQ: What Are the Most Common Talent Acquisition Challenges?

With an estimated 18.2 million software developers on the planet, you’d think it would be fairly easy to find just one who possesses the requisite skill set. But it’s a task that is much easier said than done and you’re not alone. Hiring software developers, IT experts and other tech professionals can pose major challenges although once you identify those roadblocks, you’ll be better positioned to overcome them.

The reality is that you’ve spent weeks trying to find a new software developer to join your team. From resume reviews and reference checks, to interviews and coding tests, you’ve done everything you can to find the right expert for the job. You’ve considered hard skills, soft skills, experience and lots of other factors. But the process has been painfully slow and inefficient. Maybe you’re not the world’s most tech-savvy person, so evaluating these candidates and their actual skill sets has required some help. Yet after all these efforts, you still don’t have the right person for the job. This is a common problem and iTech is accustomed to providing a consultative approach to properly identifying the scope and specific resource best suited to your business goals and objectives.

What Challenges Do You Face When Hiring Software Developers?

There is no shortage of obstacles that can stand in the way of finding the right developer from the fast-evolving nature of technology, to the prevalence of agile development, which makes it impossible to attribute a project to a single individual.

Agile development methodologies rarely allow for individual attribution. In a perfect world, a software developer could step into your office and say, I created this mobile app, from start to finish, so it’s an accurate depiction of my skill set. Work samples can be extremely useful in showcasing your skill set. But with the prevalence of agile development, you have many cooks in the kitchen and it’s relatively uncommon to encounter a scenario where a single person can take ownership either in full or in part. This point is exacerbated when you consider that agile development is the most common methodology in today’s techsphere. One workaround for this particular issue involves administering a test or trial project to get a feel for the individual’s skill set before committing to a long-term hiring arrangement.

You need a fair amount of tech knowledge to properly evaluate a candidate. It can be challenging for HR staff to get a good feel for an individual’s skills and abilities. An accurate evaluation typically involves at least one of your company’s tech team leaders. That’s time that your team leaders could be spending on actual tech projects instead of consulting for a new hire. The bottom line is that you need a tech expert to effectively evaluate a candidate. Hiring a tech staffing firm like iTech allows you to make this happen, without pulling from your already-limited in-house tech resources.

The new talent must fit in with your existing development team. Virtually all companies have shifted from a waterfall methodology to an agile development strategy due to a need for greater efficiency and cost savings. Waterfall methodology utilizes a precise, step-by-step assembly line type of process where person A must complete step 1 before passing the project to person B to begin step 2. Agile development is far more flexible, scalable and collaborative, with multiple steps being addressed simultaneously in some cases. As such, agile development entails a team effort which demands that your developers are good team players. The dynamics of a small group are tremendously different from the dynamics of a medium-sized or large group (and either can work with the agile methodology). An individual who is comfortable in one environment may fall short of their true potential in another setting, even if they have all of the necessary tech skills. So you’re tasked with finding a developer who will be a good fit for your company’s one-of-a-kind environment.

Technology is constantly evolving. The rapid evolution of technology is impacting everything from new programming languages, to new development methodologies. Challenges include dealing with significant operating system changes and other advances that add an element of complexity to the talent acquisition process. You’ll see regular changes in terms of the skills you’re seeking and even the job description. This adds a layer of complexity to the talent acquisition process since you’ll have to continually familiarize yourself with new skill sets, methodologies and job descriptions.

There are a wide variety of niches, coding languages and specialties. There are dozens of programming languages and countless types of applications and software programs. Simply writing a list of skills that you’re seeking in candidates can be a difficult task all by itself. Finding the right person can be even more challenging, especially if you’re seeking skills related to a relatively new coding language or tech advancement.

Turning to an Experienced IT, Tech and Software Developer Staffing Firm Like iTech

It’s clear that there are many obstacles that stand between your company and the software developers you need to succeed. But there are some alternatives to the traditional avenue of hiring a new employee.

In some cases, temporary in-house tech staffing services can meet your needs, without the time and hassle associated with the talent acquisition process. At iTech, our team of recruiting and staffing experts know what it takes to assemble a team that can take your project to the next level. With iTech’s on-site staffing services, we’ll embed a team within your company to work on a specific project. Then, once the project is complete, the team returns to iTech and moves on to the next task.

This software development staffing solution gives companies the ability to achieve their development objectives without the time, effort and knowledge required to find a new team member. This is ideal for large, one-time projects that exceed your in-house team’s capabilities and other cases where a permanent employee is not essential.

iTech oversees each and every aspect of the talent recruitment process, so clients like you can focus on your business. Learn more about how our temporary software developer staffing solutions can benefit your company by contacting iTech today.

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