Grow Your Software Maintenance and Support Capabilities With Temporary Staffing Services

Your company has invested a significant sum of money and countless man hours into the creation and implementation of an enterprise software application. The goal is to streamline your company’s operations while increasing productivity and improving your bottom line. You called in a team of tech experts to help implement the app. But they left before your in-house tech team had a chance to ask about maintenance and updates.

This wonderful new state-of-the-art app worked beautifully for a few weeks. But then, a bug made its presence known…and your tech staff has no idea how to fix it! So now, you’re going to have to call in a pricey third-party service provider to fix the enterprise software that you’ve invested so much in developing. Oh, and the only local service provider who’s qualified to perform the repairs is booked up through the end of the week. But this all could have been avoided by turning to the right technology staffing partner; a team that could have provided your staff with the knowledge required to perform maintenance and repairs.

How Can Temporary In-house Staffing Benefit Your Company in the Long Term?

Most companies call an in-house temporary tech and IT staffing services provider when they’re facing a short-term shortage of resources or a temporary surplus of work. But some companies that seek this type of service are reaching out for help because their in-house tech staff simply doesn’t have the skills that are required to complete a given project. 

In these cases, you can see a major benefit from an “insourcing” team. The team is typically dispatched and embedded in your company’s tech division, where they’ll work on the project in question. This is where the advantage lies, as your company’s staff can work alongside the temporary team members, while also observing and learning.

This temporary staffing team provides more than just an opportunity for learning and growth during the planning, development and implementation phases. They can also help train and educate your team on how to use and maintain a new app or software program. Here are a few key examples that illustrate precisely how this can be beneficial for a company:

  • The temporary staff can teach permanent team members how to maintain an app or software program on a day-to-day basis. This increases efficiency and productivity while minimizing any repairs that might be required if you fail to properly maintain the interface.
  • Your in-house staff can learn how to troubleshoot and repair a new enterprise app or software program in an effective manner. This reduces costs associated with calling in a third-party contractor to get the job done. You’ll also slash productivity losses since you won’t need to wait for an expert to arrive; you’ll already have someone on-site to begin the diagnostic process within minutes of discovering the problem.
  • Your insourcing team can work with a handful of your company’s permanent staff, showing them how to use the various features and functionalities of a new enterprise app that you’ve just implemented. Once you have a few well-educated super-users, you’ll be well-positioned to conduct a company-wide training program. 

A talented tech team will not only implement a piece of software, but they will also have the ability to help you establish a support system that will remain in place for the future. And in cases where you’re not implementing an enterprise app or software, you can make the most of these temporary resources by learning from the talent which has been embedded within your company.

Turn to iTech for Temporary Tech Staffing Services for Your Company

At iTech, we specialize in providing temporary on-site staffing services, particularly in the software development industry. Our clients can avoid the costly and time-consuming recruiting process for temporary or part-time staff, since that’s what we do best. Our recruiting experts will find the talent you need to succeed and achieve your objectives. Once on-site, our teams are capable of providing your permanent staff with some of the knowledge that’s required to manage and maintain a newly-implemented enterprise software system or app.

Based in Texas, iTech works with clients across the United States and beyond.

Contact iTech today to learn more about how our temporary software developer staffing solutions can provide a benefit to your business.

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